Thursday, August 30, 2012

Product Design and Development

Product Design and Development - Sebastian Fixson
Teaching partner - Sam Aquillano


Starting off with
Innovation is dead

All firms fail - sooner or later all firms die.

Top 10 most innovative companies

How do we know innovation matters - how to measure innovation
The challenge to measure innovation
Obstacles to innovation:
Always important

On Design

Session 2: Tuesday Sep 4th, 2012
On defining the problem.
The rope exercise. (famous psychology problem)
Problem search:
Generic or Unique

Problem definition exercise.

Session 4: Sep 13th 2012
Visiting speakers for project ideas

2) New England Burials at Sea
Captain Brad White
New product: For burial that is earth friendly
A product that would be used to do sea burial after cremation with containers that are

3) Portico Brewing Company:

4) Vedavoo
Scott 2008 Babson
Modular Backpacking

Project: Hip belt/pack men/women/all sizes
Modular bag that will be used by a mountaineer climbing the Everest.

5) Ovatemp
founded by Babson alum
seed funding obtained

6) Mimoco
Evan Blaustein Babson MBA 04
They make thumb drives and consumer products - bring style to consumer products

Session 6: Sep 18th 2012

Allow yourself to fail

The Design process

Making Things Happen - Scott Burkin (recommended book for project management)


What kind of activities do you (outdoor - travel related)
How often do you travel
What do carry with you when going on these activities
What would you want to carry but cannot
Solar charger on the bag
Do you use different bags for different activities
What are the typical pains in carrying stuff for these activities.

Meeting with Scott and Chris from Vedavoo

Chris: evening student at Babson
Scott: born and raised in Wyoming - National VP Boy Scouts. Telecom sales - electronics background
In teh beginning I never used a sewing machine. Got a designer $160 and hour.
I had just $700 left in the bank account.
There were a lot of hard times.

On the project
One SKU - not one for fiherman, not one for rock climbers etc etc
focus first on whats the shape whats the design.
In short what i am trying to achieve is we are building a piece of a big ideal backpack.
one size that fits all. Fanny backs are lame but the value of carrying stuff at your hips is not lame.

How teh hip the belt would work with the backpack.
Pouches could get attached to the

William joseph chest packs
Traditionalism in design for sports is something that is coming up.
competitor: Topo design

Session 10 - Oct 2nd 2012
On how to innovate
Lead users - somewhat similar to Jeffrey Moore's innovators

Case: Innocentive
definition or a metric for the "good solution" is important as well.

Design competitions:
NASA centennial challenge, Google Lunar, Ashoka Changemakers, CISCO I-Prize 2012, Ansar X Prize 2001, DARPA Grand, Threadless etc.

Guest Lecture by IDEO - on Prototyping

A prototype - allows you to "exercise" the concept
looks like/ behaves like/ feels like

Guest Lecture: Ross D. Petty on Design IP

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