Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Entrepreneurship - EPS (Class notes)

Entrepreneurship - Heidi Neck, Blank 208 (Neck),;

Session 2, Sep 7, 2011
Assignment: Discussion on the book: Action trumps Everything

start: boat exercise
an economist: Daniel

Session 3: Sep 12, 2011
Why would you want to be an entrepreneur?
What's good about it?

  • Self employed
  • seeding own ideas
  • fee creative
  • rewarding to follow passion
  • alignment
  • develop stuff
  • take risks
  • more fulfillment 
  • ok to screw up
  • creating jobs
  • solve outstanding needs
  • change something
  • freedom; do what you want, go where you want, shape your future
What's stopping you?
  • too risky
  • fear of failure
  • confidence
What is the best idea you've had but never started?

Vera Bradley

Session 4: Sep 14, 2011
TED video
Steven Johnson - where good ideas come from

Brain Orientation:
1 -6 from left to right
Ideal realist or Ideal builder: 3
Rational or emotional: 5
Process oriented or ppl oriented: 5
Neat & organized or messy and chaotic: 2
Trust the facts or trust the gut instinct: 4
predictable or spontaneous: 4
Logical or visionary: 4
Total: 27

book recommendation: whole new mind

mind dumping exercise

Session 5: Sep 16, 2011

Session 7: Sep 21, 2011

Session 9: Sep 28, 2011
Case: Feed Resources
(in the book page 455)
anaerobic digestion

Session X: Oct 5, 2011
evaluation of the company

Question: What % equity to give away?
You need to know:
1) Future value of your company
2) Future value of your investment

Valuation example
NI in year 5 = $2.5M
(assume seed company PE ration = 15%)
PE (price to earnings) = 15 (It is based on the industry averages)
Investor = $2M
Hold period = 5 years
ROR = 50%

FV of company = NIAT * PE
                         = $2.5M * 15
                         = $37.5M
FV of investment = PV (1 + IRR)^n
                           = $2M(1 + 0.5)^5
                           = $15.2M

So now what % of equity to give away
= FV of teh investment / FV of teh company
= $15.2M / $37.5M
= 41%

Post money valuation = $2M/41% = $4.9M
Pre money valuation = $4.9 - $2M = $2.9M

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